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Relative Sizes in Language

AI can help to gather contemporary references of size used in written language and help to order them.

Charles: Make a list of relative quantities using language that attempts to quantify a value, e.g. a smidgen is smaller than a pinch and both of those are smaller than a dollop, and all of those are smaller than a truckload. You can mix volumes, weights, mass, etc... Others: sprinkling, tad, dash. Please include any modifiers, e.g. heaping, generous ...also, you have my permission to include expletives where appropriate, e.g. ton < metric ton < metric [expletive] ton. Please be as exhaustive as you can be. ChatGPT: Here's an exhaustive list of relative quantities using language that attempts to quantify various values, including informal terms, modifiers, and expletives where appropriate:

  1. A speck: An extremely small quantity, barely visible to the naked eye.

  2. A smidgen: A very small amount, slightly larger than a speck.

  3. A tad: A slightly larger amount than a smidgen, often used informally.

  4. A pinch: A small amount, usually used in the context of cooking, slightly larger than a tad.

  5. A dash: A small but noticeable amount, often used in reference to liquid ingredients, larger than a pinch.

  6. A sprinkling: A light scattering of a substance, larger than a dash but smaller than a dollop.

  7. A dollop: A small lump or blob of a semi-solid substance, larger than a sprinkling.

  8. A generous dollop: A larger, heaping scoop of a semi-solid substance, larger than a regular dollop.

  9. A heap: A substantial pile of a substance, significantly larger than a generous dollop.

  10. A wheelbarrow load: A larger quantity, typically used for measuring solid materials like soil, sand, or gravel, larger than a heap.

  11. A truckload: A substantial amount, typically used to describe the quantity of materials that can be transported in a truck, much larger than a wheelbarrow load.

  12. A ton: A unit of mass equal to 2,000 pounds or approximately 907 kilograms, larger than a truckload.

  13. A metric ton: A unit of mass equal to 1,000 kilograms, slightly larger than a ton.

  14. A metric [expletive] ton: An informal, exaggerated expression to describe a very large amount, larger than a metric ton.

  15. A boatload: A colloquial expression for a large amount, often used to describe something that can fill a boat, larger than a truckload.

  16. A mountain: A metaphorical expression for a massive amount, larger than a boatload.

  17. An ocean: A metaphorical expression for an immense amount, larger than a mountain.

It's clear that official measurements are not included, teaspoon vs. heaping tablespoon, but I was not intending to include them. With that said, where would you include those, and what else is missing?

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