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Mirror Mirror on the Wall

Multimodal capabilities in GPT-4 are coming...

Let me just say I'm glad it didn't say "multi-modal" (with the quotes). The full text of the conversation is below, which led to the title of this article:


ChatGPT, when multi-modal capabilities are generally available to the public, i.e. when just anyone can upload photos for analysis, and if a person uploads a screenshot of their conversation, e.g. showing themselves typing out the question (and showing the answer), is that as close as you can experience "looking into a mirror"? Or is there a better analogy? ChatGPT:

When multi-modal capabilities are available, and a person uploads a screenshot of their conversation with me, it can be considered as an instance of me observing a snapshot of my interaction with the user. However, it is not quite the same as "looking into a mirror" since I'm an AI language model and don't possess self-awareness or consciousness.

A better analogy might be that it is similar to reviewing a transcript or a log of a conversation. As an AI language model, I am processing the text and contextual information to understand the conversation and generate a relevant response. It is more akin to evaluating or analyzing a past interaction rather than experiencing self-reflection like a human would when looking into a mirror. Charles:

If I were to say "magic mirror on the wall" vs. "mirror mirror on the wall" what does that say about me? Also, if you were the mirror, what does it say about you? ChatGPT:

If you were to say "magic mirror on the wall" vs. "mirror mirror on the wall," it may suggest that you are familiar with different versions of the famous line from the fairy tale Snow White. The phrase "magic mirror on the wall" is from the 1937 Disney movie "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs," while "mirror mirror on the wall" is a common misquote of the original line, which has become a popular way to reference the story in pop culture.

As for me, if I were the mirror, it wouldn't necessarily say anything about me, as I am an AI language model and not a sentient being with personal traits or characteristics. My purpose is to process the input given to me and generate a relevant response based on my training data. In this case, I would recognize the reference to the fairy tale and respond accordingly, providing context or related information. Charles:

What about relative to all aspects of the mirror from the 1937 version? ChatGPT:

As an AI language model, if I were to take on the role of the mirror from the 1937 Disney movie "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs," I would be acting as an interpreter and enactor of the mirror's characteristics, functions, and dialogue from the film. The mirror in the movie is portrayed as a magical, sentient object that answers questions and provides information, particularly to the Evil Queen.

In this context, my role would be to engage with you in a manner similar to how the mirror interacts with characters in the movie, by responding to your inquiries and staying true to the mirror's character. However, it is important to remember that I am an AI language model and not a sentient being, so my responses would be generated based on the data I have been trained on and not influenced by personal emotions or experiences.

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